siege mentality

美 [ˈsiːdʒ mentæləti]英 [ˈsiːdʒ mentæləti]
  • n.受围心态(感觉周围都是敌人因而必须自卫)
siege mentalitysiege mentality


sing. U受围心态(感觉周围都是敌人因而必须自卫)
a feeling that you are surrounded by enemies and must protect yourself

siege mentality


  • 1
    N-SING 受围心态(感觉别人总想伤害或击败自己,因而一味想要自卫的心理)
    If a group of people have a siege mentality, they think that other people are constantly trying to harm or defeat them, and so they care only about protecting themselves.

    Police officers had a siege mentality that isolated them from the people they served.


  1. Police officers had a siege mentality that isolated them from the people they served


  2. People familiar with Kremlin thinking say the shift was facilitated in part by President Barack Obama 's reset of relations , which has eased Moscow 's Bush-era siege mentality .


  3. We can 't allow ourselves to go into a siege mentality .


  4. No wonder there is a siege mentality in newsrooms around the land .


  5. Goldman declined to comment for this article a sign , perhaps , that the negative publicity is fostering a siege mentality .


  6. On the afternoon of July 20 , a siege mentality gripped Little Jerusalem , the Jewish commercial district in Sarcelles .


  7. The rise in crime has led to many people developing a siege mentality , in which they see everyone as a threat and are scared to go out alone .
